Friday, April 24, 2015
Week Two Handstand Workout
 through with little to no rest between exercises.
10x Banded pass thru
20 Seconds passive hang
10 Seconds active hang


Twice through with little to no rest between exercises.
30-45 Seconds Loaded lat stretch or other thoracic/shoulder mobility
Bent leg hamstring stretch, 30-60 seconds each side
Wrist prep


Strength and Skill:
4 times through with 10-20 seconds of rest between movements.
30-35 seconds Extended hollow tuck 25-30 reps
Chest to wall handstand hold 25-30
Assisted planche 10 seconds

Finish With:
20 Scap pulls
10-40 Tuck-ups

2x Wrist prep


4 rounds with a partner
1 heavy sled push 
1 heavy single arm farmers carry (switch arms half way down)
400 meter run

Have a person at each end of parking lot with kettle bell and sled set up at one end. Parnter A will push sled to opposite side then partner B will push back down. Then A walks the kettle bell down and B returns it. Then run your 400 together.

After 2 rounds switch sides.

Article originally appeared on CROSSFIT BISHOP - Fitness in the Eastern Sierra (
See website for complete article licensing information.